66. Artists Help Japan

Sometimes when crises occur abroad it can be a little daunting to figure out the best avenue to contribute, and it can mean a lot to see a charity that is accountable and has a proven track record dealing in a certain area. Dice Tsutsumi has set up Artists Help Japan - working through Give2Asia to help relief efforts for the quake/tsunami crisis in Eastern Japan.
Dice has previously organised the Sketchtravel Project and the Totoro Forest project, and I like Give2Asia's policy of awareness of support funding at the mid/longterm stages of recovery, as most emergency funding goes to immediate relief.

More info can be found here

Dice is also auctioning off some of his new books and prints, over at his blog

I continue to hold the intention that all of the support and love from around the world that is being sent to Japan makes its way directly to where it is needed - the people on the ground.