37. Sketches and News

Hey everyone :)

It has been a great week! I have wrapped up a couple of jobs and made some very exciting new inroads into creative collaborations in Sydney. First some news and shout outs...

Extra Cheeese 3 is on!

Now part of Sydney Design Week and run by my good friend Daniel Dittmar, The annual EC exhibition is now in its third year and has upped the ante by calling out artists and designers to join forces in 2-man collaborative efforts! I will be working with Dave Foster who is an amazing typographer. The call for entries is now open and I encourage you all to find a buddy and apply - it is a fantastic exhibition and the space this year will be magnificent.

ArtOrder feature: Wizards of the Coast

I was recently spotlighted on the blog of Wizards Lead Art Director, Jon Schindehette. I have had a lot of fun working on this job and will be able to post the work, and a tutorial, soon as its published.

Kim Taylor's Blog

Kim works as a Matte Painter here in Sydney at Animal Logic, but his concept work is easily on par with his matte stuff. He has started a new blog which is great inspiration for those who want to keep up their practise. Visit Pencils and Jam

Sydney Sketch Meet 3!

Its about time! For more info, go here. It is this coming Saturday, 6 June, and we kick off around 10am at the Archibald Fountain in Hyde Park. Come packing heat/pencils.

There is more news in the pipeline, which will have to wait for now! I have had a hell of a lot of work on the past few weeks so sketching has been on the backburner, but here is what I have managed to get down on the paper... more digital paintings soooooooon! Stay well.

Pen Pages
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Sydney Sketch Meet (Artline + Water)
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Origin (Gouache)
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Mum (Gouache)

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Float (Inspired by Joao Ruas)

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The Filmmaker