25. New Site, New Cover, New Year

I finally have a proper website! Some of you may remember the shitty temporary html scrolling thing that has been up for over a year now… I had thought I would never get around to overhauling it, but my mate Dittmar at Flood Studio helped me out with a slick, clean design. Nothing fancy, exactly the way I wanted it. He usually does curation/graphic design which is the studio’s forte, so it was extra nice for him to help me out on this one.

Check it out - PAQUETTE.COM.AU

I’d love to know if you think it compliments the work.

Im saving the new art up (especially the traditional stuff) for a big update in one go and I may add a traditional section specifically for it.

Also thought I would share this latest cover i finished a while back (still unreleased in Aus). The brief was a bit insane and i think the visual complexity killed it, but seeing the printed version amongst a bunch of other 12″ covers, i was surprised at how effective that was. Mitch at Bang Gang 12″s is yet to finish it off with the title text and the back cover. This is the second cover I have done for the label and they are muchos fun. Not the least because most of our ‘business meetings’ take place at the beach :)


And the sketch/approval stage for shits n giggles:

As for the new year, I have some really definite goals in mind. Both artistically (more traditional painting, performance, storytelling and writing) and in my own life.

The end of 08 in the new studio has been a profound experience and has shifted me into uncomfortable places I may never have otherwise gone. It has reminded me of some things I had let myself forget over the last two years, and has (in a roundabout fashion) brought me back onto some very important paths.

I wish you all a safe consumeristmas season (spend time not money!) and happy creativity throughout ohnine.
